We are now into our Spring sport teams which include...GOLF, TRACK, TENNIS, and BASEBALL.
Good luck to all of you!

Brown Chicken Brown Cow String Band Concert

The BrownChickenBrownCowStringBand after they performed at PAHS.  Their appearance was supported Boosters and ASB.  L to R: Matthew Del Olmo, Justin Morris, Xander Hitzig, Jeanette Stefani, Orion Hitzig

Jeanette presents the BrownChicken BrownCow StringBand with checks from PAHS Boosters and PAHS ASB, sponsors of the all school performance at PAHS Auditorium on Presidents' Day, Feb 21, 2011.

Boosters funding brought bcbcsb to Point Arena, fresh from their sold-out tour of Hawaii, and ASB helped cover the cost of equipment rental, to support this all school concert for all students and staff of PAHS. PCCHS and SCCHS.

After the one-hour musical performance, the band graciously stayed a couple more hours for Q&A with music students and drama students, then enjoyed lunch with PAHS staff, before hitting the road for their next gig the following evening in Santa Monica.

CAHSEE - Calif. High School Exit Exam

CAHSEE test will be given on March. 8th and 9th -- 8:00 to 12:00, in the library

Yearbook Information

Now is the time to buy your yearbook, there are still some left - but not for long!

Also...senior parents -- Your senior's pictures are now overdue!  Please contact Ms.
Parker with any questions at 882-2134 x 331

Of note...

Spring Break is April 4th thru April 8th
Memorial Day is May 30th
Last Day of school is June 10th